Richmond Valley - Why We Must Protect Our Local Dairy Industry

Richmond Valley - Why We Must Protect Our Local Dairy Industry

 Sign the NSW Parliament petition here

The Richmond Valley, has long been an important contributor Australia’s dairy industry.

At the heart of this industry is Norco, Australia’s last 100% farmer-owned dairy cooperative, which has been a pillar of the community for 129 years. However, recent decisions by the state government threaten to undermine the very foundation of this vital industry.

The Economic Significance of Dairy in Richmond Valley

The dairy industry is more than just a source of fresh milk; it is the economic cornerstone of the Richmond Valley. With over 191 farming families relying on Norco for their livelihoods, the impact of the dairy industry on the local economy cannot be overstated. These families are part of a broader network of workers, suppliers, and businesses that depend on the success of dairy farming in the region. The economic ripple effect of this industry extends far beyond the farm gates, contributing to the financial stability of countless other sectors within the community.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the dairy industry in New South Wales generated approximately $1.8 billion in farm gate value in 2022.

The Richmond Valley plays a crucial role with milk production providing a steady income for local farmers and sustaining jobs across the industry. 

The Threat to Local Jobs and the Economy

The recent decision to drop Norco as the milk supplier for hospitals across the North Coast and Mid-North Coast regions with an international supplier has sparked outrage among local farmers, workers, and community leaders. This move threatens not only the livelihoods of those directly employed by Norco but also the broader regional economy. By awarding the contract to a foreign-owned company, profits that would have stayed in the local economy are now set to be diverted overseas, weakening the financial stability of the region.

Lyndall Murray, a candidate for Mayor of Richmond Valley, said, "supporting local dairy famers by retaining and growing distribution channels, like keeping Norco in hospitals is not just about protecting jobs; it’s about safeguarding our community's future.  

We must stand together to reverse this decision and ensure that our farmers and workers continue to thrive everyone should sign the NSW Parliament Petition."

 Sign the petition here.

The Cultural and Social Impact

Beyond the economic implications, the dairy industry holds significant cultural and social value in the Richmond Valley. Norco is deeply embedded in the fabric of the community, with generations of families having worked on these dairy farms. The cooperative model that Norco represents is a testament to the power of community-driven enterprise, where farmers work together to achieve shared success.

The decision to replace Norco has also raised concerns about the quality of dairy products being provided to local hospitals. Norco has built a reputation for producing high-quality, fresh dairy products that are trusted by both consumers and healthcare providers. Reports of patients refusing to drink milk in hospitals unless it’s Norco highlight the deep trust and loyalty that the community has for this local brand.

The Call to Action Reinstate Norco as the Dairy Supplier

The Health Services Union has called on the State Government to reverse its decision to dump Norco as the milk supplier to health facilities across the North and Mid North Coast. Union Secretary Gerard Hayes emphasized the broader implications of this decision: "As Australia’s last 100% farmer-owned dairy cooperative, Norco provides economic lifeblood to hundreds of families in a region that has experienced the double whammy of floods and the cost of living crisis. Why would we cut this off at a time like this?"

The petition to reinstate Norco as the dairy supplier for NSW North Coast hospitals is not just about a contract; it’s about the future of our community. It’s about ensuring that local farmers can continue to support their families, that profits stay within our region, and that the quality of dairy products provided to our hospitals remains high. It’s about standing up for what’s right and protecting the industry.

To support this cause, please sign the ePetition to reinstate Norco as the dairy supplier for NSW North Coast hospitals. Your signature can make a difference in protecting local jobs, sustaining our economy, and preserving the quality of our healthcare services. Sign the petition here.

Together, we can ensure that the Richmond Valley continues to be a proud dairy-producing region, supporting our farmers, our economy, and our way of life.

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